Sunday, February 17, 2013

Art of Living Experience

Santosh Roa
Bhamini Chouhan

I speak about my experience and encounter meeting and spending time with the three senior Art Of Living teachers who visited South Africa recently. Sitting across three senior International Art of Living Foundation teachers felt like sitting in the presence of H.H Sri Ravi Shankar (Guruji) in Johannesburg.

Listening to Bhamini Chouhan (37), Santosh Roa (39), and Ajey Vij (41), talk of their life experiences through their journey of being mere students at the Art of Living Foundation, to becoming teachers in a short space of times was a huge accomplishment for them.

Bhamini, apart of the foundation for 11 years is a Part 1, Sri Sri Yoga, Eternity, Prison Smart and Breath Water Sound teacher. Born and brought up in Harare, Zimbabwe, she  moved to Germany and by blessing met Santosh and are happily married for over a year.

She said that she was not planning to get married and by the grace of the Divine met Divya Shamaj Nirvan (DSN) teacher Santosh who is born and brought up in Hyderabad, India.

“We both travel around the world, teaching courses to a new group of people all the time,” Bhamini said.

Bhamini added that she taught her first prison smart course with 200 female inmates at a prison in Zimbabwe, which was the most amazing experience as when she went there, they said to her “you mad Indian” but on the last day the women were jumping and singing saying to her if they were not in prison they would not been happy doing the course.

She has taught in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, then moved to Europe and India to teach.

Being a psychologist she gave back to society when she qualified and when she came across the course she started sending her patients on the course whether it was children or adults.

“I volunteered for the local government and A4 special children cancer unit by just being there for them and reading to them, playing with the children, buying them ice-cream, and counselling over the phone and schools,” she explained.

Bhamini stated that the course was so powerful when she did it that it equips you with tools to deal with problems in life.

Bhamini expressed her concern about education being the key to success and that means educating pupils with human values, yoga to be part of physical education and awareness of the body.

“Not giving youth proper guidance is a major issue as youth have a lot of enjoyment and there is no one to mentor or guide them,” Bhamini said.

She strongly believes that there should be more youth workshop which will give them direction and keep them focused.

Santosh has taught in more than 44 countries across the globe following the spiritual path.

He has taught the Nex-light course in the forest to more 100 people in a forest in India.

He was rated the third highest teacher in India and taught over 340 000 people in Europe Part 1 and DSN.

While Ajey born and brought up in Delhi, India, is a Youth Leadership Training Programme (YLTP), Achieving Personal Excellence (Apex) and Part 2 (silence course) teacher said that after doing the course he found that work became easy and effortless.

“I travel 15 days a month teaching and 15 days I work in the family business,” Ajey said.

Ajey travelling the world has experienced that people are good and are positive around the world.
Ajey taught the first APEX course in South Africa over the weekend while Santosh taught DSN and Bhamini taught Sri Sri Yoga in Johannesburg to people who came to the venues from Gauteng. Santosh had people from Botswana on the DSN.
Ajey Vij

1 comment:

  1. Meditate with Sri Sri - Jun 23, 19:30 IST on Facebook.

    Millions from every city across the world are meditating together for Global Peace as part of the event Face2Face with Sri Sri.
    The guided meditation will be led by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
    We invite you to be part of a social initiative for Global Peace
    If you wish to participate in this movement, kindly let me know so that we can share more details with you.
    Watch the event live on


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