Monday, May 2, 2022

Ward 17 & 18 get together to feed those without electricity

Councillors Juwairiya Kaldien of Ward 18 and Dwaine Ponsonby of Ward 17 and volunteers joined hands to feed the community who were left in the dark since Friday, 15 April at approximately 5am.

This was due to the Eldorado Park Ext 1 Substation which engulfed in flames causing part of Eldorado Park and surroundings to be left in the dark for days. 


Hot meals were made possible by the donors.. The volunteers came together and cooked a yummy meal, and it was distributed to a total of 3300 people who have been hungry. This distribution was over three days (Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday – 17 to 19 April).


The meeting points was Eldomaine Secondary School, a drive around distributing and Kliptown Centre where we saw small children, teenagers and adults rushing to grab a hot cup of soup, bread, and a tasty bowl of rice with chicken.


Both Cllr Kaldien and Cllr Ponsonby said they appreciated all the donations and thanked all their donors and not forgetting the volunteers who left their away to assist prepare these warm meals and give out to those affected by the electricity outage.

Young girls recognised for their good work

he Eldorado Park Girl Gang Charity group held their annual awards on 10 April at the UnitedApostolic Church in Ext 3. Despite the rain, the awards went on and girls aged between 8 and 19 years old were all dressed up for the glamorous day. 

Founder Monique Badenhorst said she hosted the awards torecognise her talented girls for the prestigious work they are doing in Eldorado Park, including spending their time serving the community last year.

“The Girl Gang is a group of girls that does charity work within Eldorado Park. We assist with feeding, sanitary drives and team building. If you would like to enrol your daughter, you can contact Monique on 072-221-3686. 


We would like to thank Pastor Botha and the church family for opening their doors for us and all our sponsors” Badenhorst said.

Successful “Skoonmaak” Operation continues in Eldos


Police search, suspects arrested and drugs etc seized.

Operation Skoonmaak, started recently by the Eldorado Park SAPS, has led to many successful arrests for various offenses, including assault, motor vehicle theft, malicious damage to property, possession of drugs, dealing in liquor without a license, and possession of suspected stolen property.

On 14 April the police station held an intensified operation between 10am and 3pm where they arrested a total 12 suspects for different crimes.

“The police managed to seize crystal meth and khat drugs, while liquor and suspected stolen property were confiscated from the suspects,” said Sergeant Roxanne Gibb, spokesperson for Eldorado Park SAPS. The various suspects will soon appear in court for a formal bail application. “The Eldorado Park SAPS furthermore encourages the community to continue reporting all illegal activities and criminality within the Greater Eldorado Park,” Gibb said.

She ended by stating thatresidents are reminded to contact the Saps Crime Stop Hotline on 08600 10111 , the Eldorado Park Saps Relief Commander on 082-444-3001 or the Client Service Centre on 011-946-0300.

Police search, suspects arrested and drugs etc seized.

Police seek suspects after man murdered

Eldorado Park SAPS spokesperson Sgt Roxanne Gibbb

Police are seeking the killer/s of Franklin Fabay, who was gunned down by unknown armed male suspect(s) at the KFC drive-through in Eldorado Park on 2 April at about 5:11pm.

The victim was declared dead on the scene by paramedics who swiftly responded to the crime scene.

“The motive for the murder is unknown at this stage. A case of murder has been opened and is currently under investigation,” said Eldorado Park SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Roxanne Gibb. She added that the alleged suspect(s) are still at large after fleeing the scene

The Eldorado Park SAPS urges anyone with positive information relating to the motive, aliases and whereabouts of the suspect/s to urgently contact the SAPS Crime Stop Hotline on 08600-10111.

Easter feeding brings smiles to Senior Citizens

The Nancefield Village in Ext 3; Kiersiedorp Seniors; and Better Living Senior Citizens, Ext 6 enjoyed a hot mince akhni mealand a mug with easter eggs gift on Easter Sunday, 17April. The meal was prepared by Thaheera’s Platters Catering Service and Eldos Monthly Market Day team, who have been putting a smile on the faces of seniors by celebrating Easter Sunday with them since 2014. 

Founder Faieza Cannell said: “This is our Easter Charity Drive that we do annually on Easter Sunday through support from donors.” 

Cannell thanked all her donors who made it possible to make a difference to the seniors’ lives. Anyone willing to donate to the charity can contact Faieza on 082-663- 3373. Thaheera’s Platters Catering and Eldos Monthly Market Day team along with seniors who came out to get a warm meal and their easter gift – a mug with easter eggs.


International Workers Day celebrated across the globe

People across the globe will be celebrating International Workers Day well known as Labour Day or May Day on 1st May. The day is dedicated to our working class and labourers. It is a public holiday in South known as "Workers Day".

We got a few community members to share their message:

XOLANI FIHLA – JMPD Spokesperson said:
“As we celebrate and commemorate Workers Day, let us be reminded of all those who work hard each day without making any compromises. We want to thank all the hardworking people who on a daily basis contribute to make ourcity a better place to live in. May their hard work bring all the good they deserve and take them forward in life.”

Kasi Hero Foundation Co-founder NDIVHUWO LIPHADZI said:“We see lot of young people are suffering. Some they lost their jobs; now fuel and food is up and everyone is complaining about it.Change mostly affects people who stay in the informal settlement. They were not able to afford even their basic needs, now it’s going to be worse”.

LOUISA MOLISE from Youngage Foundation said: To all theworkers: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Happy workers day, to each person working. Your passion, hard work, commitment, energy is all appreciated.”

ALLEY SOL of Sisterhood Foundation said: Happy Workers Day, to all who work hard each day without compromising life! Remember, work is an extension of our personalities, and we are not all the same, this is one way a person can define themselves to measure worth, humility and achievement. Work can be seen as many things as possible and not just a normal 9-5. It can also be the work u put into the community you live in or the effort you display in a voluntary project. I would like to say, may your hard work always bring you the sweet fruits you deserve and take you ahead in life. Keep working hard to achieve everything you had ever dreamt of and may today remind you that nothing is impossible if you work hard for it!

BRIMO KEENAN said: Happy Workers Day to everyone1 Workers are the one out of the strongest support of any country economy, Love what you do, do what you love Let us come together on international Workers Day to thank them for their labour and for their dedication. Drugs is killing our communities because 60% is without Jobs but we are moving forward together as on Nation.

FAIEZA CANNELL said: May Day, Workers Day. We as workers deserve fair and equal rights eight-hour days. Struggle of workers. Solitary between workers.



NOKUTHULA NOFEMELA, ward 10 councillor said: To every dedicated worker around the country/ward, from the cleaner, gardner, security guard, domestic worker, teller, to managers allow me to appreciate you for all you do. Thank you for the contribution you are making to our economy, alIow me to thank you for the difference you are making in your homes. As we celebrate you today, I just want to say this world would not be where and how it is if you were not contributing towards a better place and I wish you a restful workers day celebration.


Parents inspired to gets children extra classes

Youngage Foundation, XYZ Tutors, Golden Knot, Thapelo Community Projects, the principal and learners from MagaretGwele Primary School.

Youngage Foundation NPO in collaboration with XYZ Tutors, Golden Knot and Thapelo Community Projects visited Magaret Gwele Primary School on 9 April to present 300 sanitary pads, reading books and flavoured water to each girl child. 

The girls were inspired by many different speakers, who motivated them and the parents who joined in for the day. The parents had the opportunity to speak to some of the motivational speakers, who explained to them how easy it is to get a tutor or extra classes to help their child(ren) in a subject(s) they are having difficult and that they should not give up and motivate their children to go further in their studies no matter what their challenges are. 

Louisa Molise, founder of Youngage said: “As an organisation, our key focus in bringing meaningful purposes to townships and communities is education. It is true what Nelson Mandela said that "Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world". Our children need to be taught the love for education and the love for school, so they can be able to stay active, participative and learn as much as they can.

“We donated reading books to Margaret Gwele primary school. The importance of reading would be to improve their vocabulary, shower them with wisdom and knowledge and above all, educate a child, and build reading skills.”

She added that sanitary pads were also donated to everygirlchild,ashealth education is very important to a girl child - educating girls about menstruation, maintaining a safe, clean body and above all, staying away from early teenagepregnancy.

“It is our responsibility as NGO’s, to ensure we support our youth with all we can, for the future’s sake. There is hope in our children,” Molise ended. 

XYZ Tutors,have made a commitment to assisting learners by sponsoring tutoring services to learners in subjects they are struggling with. 

Interviews with respective organisations can be watched on A_mH/

Staff members discover body of unknown man

A body of an unknown adult male was discovered at 9am on 2 May 2022 at the Fun Valley Pleasure Resort in Olifantsvlei, under the Eldorado Park SAPS policing precinct. 

The body was  discovered by staff, however, it is unknown as to how long the body has been floating near the stream. The body was at the state of severe decomposition. According to a source he believes that the body has been there for almost a month. 

Gauteng Emergency Medical Services were at the scene and declared the person dead.

"The Eldorado Park SAPS can confirm that a case of Inquest has been registered today, Monday 2 May 2022, and will be investigated by the investigating officer," said Sergeant Roxanne Gibb

She added that the cause of death and circumstances surrounding the fatal incident is currently unknown at this stage and the victim has not as yet been identified. 

Eldorado Park SAPS is appealing to the community at large if anyone has information regarding the identity of the victim, relatives of the victim or cause of death, to urgently report this information to contact Eldorado Park SAPS on 011-946-0300, or tje Relief Commander on 082-444-3001, or Crime Stop Hotline on 08600-10111 or use the MySAPS app.

Photos by: Priya Ranchod

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