Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Sunni Razvi Society International Fund-raising Event

Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtar

The Sunni Razvi Society International, a non-profitable Islamic Humanitarian organisation held their annual fundraising event on Sunday, 6th October 2019 at the Saaberie Chishty Hall in Lenasia. A packed afternoon with various items on auction as well as lucky draws to help the organisation raise much needed funds. People from all walks of life attended this astonishing event, not just to bid but to meet the man who hails from the beautiful country of Mauritius and is following his father’s footsteps, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtar a Mauritian resident. He travels the world to make a change and help in many different programmes. 1965 was the year in which the Islamic Missionary was started by the late Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Khushtar Siddiqui (Alaihir Rahma) in Mauritius.

The organisation’s teaching of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah were spread worldwide. It is an organisation that helps humanity at large and not just Islamic communities. Their community outreach programmes include haleem and food distribution and providing of hampers to the poor, impoverished and needy 

The organisation which is head-quartered in Mauritius has a presence in South Africa, UK, Holland, Kenya, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka, and Suriname to name a few. Some of the memorable moments shared by the organisation in SA was the laying of the foundation of the Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Masjid in Lenasia South, under the banner of the Sunni Razvi Society International. Their work is not limited to the boundaries of Johannesburg and have established Khanqahs in Chatsworth, Zakkariya Park and Pietermaritzburg respectively. The 11th of November 1995 marked a significant milestone as the leader of the organisation Hazrat passed the baton to his eldest son Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtar as his only Khalifa and Sajjada Nasheen, a position that he is executing with much patience, love and dedication.

Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtarwas interviewed by the media in which he spoke about many issues ranging from religion to world peace. He expressed his gratitude to the Almighty who has blessed him with this undertaking for the betterment of humanity. He thanked those who were present at the fundraising event as well those who contributed in any way to make it a success. Faith brings comfort to a person’s heart which consequently helps us see life better and nurture it with all we have. He spoke about the importance of looking after and guiding the youth who are the future generation. Hazrat explained that as a spiritual leader, part of his duties include the assisting of young people to find the Almighty through education, love and respect. 

“There will always be criticism of certain things that people do, but a person should continue doing his/her work. We need to know that that we came from somewhere and we are going somewhere. Whilst on this Earth, let us make this time one that is easy and peaceful for us all. That is what the Almighty would have us do.” 

Hazrat Khushtar said that although his father had left a huge void, one thing he will always cherish is the simple things that his father taught him. He ended stating, “His conduct and his smile were the basic things that I admired most about my father. He never changed the way he treated us, whether at mosque or at home. He always treated people equally wherever he went. The are some aspects of his I cannot even explain. In today’s world materialism has become the centre of people’s lives. There is humanity and spirituality but one thing is for certain, spirituality is something which is beyond our comprehension.”

Contact Details:-

Muhammad Noor Akbar – 0727143282 /

Fuaad Ebrahim - 0845878637

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