Wednesday, November 27, 2019

63 phenomenal women awarded

Yaseen Valli, Ushma Mahabeer of Maza Academy of Dance and Farzana Mayet
A night of glitz and glam at the Imperial Longroom, Wanderers saw 63 gorgeous women awarded for their outstanding work they do by the Internationally accredited Women of Wonder (WOW) team CEO and Founder, Farzana Mayet and CEO of Trade Route Mall Yaseen Valli on 2nd November 2019. This was the 5th annual astounding awards held in Johannesburg. 
The evening was packed with phenomenal women who amongst them were Mpho Tshabalala (wife of late kwaito singer Mandoza), Teddy Bear Clinic director Dr Shaheda Omar, Catherine Constantinides, Amor Vittone, Nia Nell, Miss Earth South Africa Lungo Katete and many more dignitaries were present.
Yaseen Valli, Dr Shaheda Omar, Director of Teddy Bear Clinin and Farzana Mayet
Amongst them the night showcased talent from doctors, editors, activist, singers, book writers, journalist, different medical fields, entertainment, corporate, private investigators, and many more who were recognized for their tremendous work within their communities. The master of ceremonies Mohammed Mayet, son of Farzana vowed the crowd with his well-done job.
Mayet explained: “The WOW Awards has grown from the first national to now International level having held the Awards for the first year this year in Dubai and the 2nd Year in Mauritius. The WOW Awards also then recognized the newly formed Visionary WOW Awards which was incepted this year in KZN that recognized past WOW recipients who are continuing to serve as sterling examples,” adding that women need to inculcate and emulate the Pull Her Up Syndrome instead of Women tearing each other down.
Yaseen Valli, Amor Vittoe, Farzana Mayet
"We all need to continuously be each other’s greatest support, and an event such as this highly promotes networking as well as collaborating amongst women who can help each other, and their businesses grow and expand,” she ended
United Kingdom will be blessed with their first WOW awards next year.

Miss Earth Lungo Katete and Rehana Buccus

Mpho Tshabalala and Rehana Buccus 

Kirti Ravjee of Ghungroo Dance Academy and Rehana Buccus

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Sunni Razvi Society International Fund-raising Event

Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtar

The Sunni Razvi Society International, a non-profitable Islamic Humanitarian organisation held their annual fundraising event on Sunday, 6th October 2019 at the Saaberie Chishty Hall in Lenasia. A packed afternoon with various items on auction as well as lucky draws to help the organisation raise much needed funds. People from all walks of life attended this astonishing event, not just to bid but to meet the man who hails from the beautiful country of Mauritius and is following his father’s footsteps, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtar a Mauritian resident. He travels the world to make a change and help in many different programmes. 1965 was the year in which the Islamic Missionary was started by the late Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Khushtar Siddiqui (Alaihir Rahma) in Mauritius.

The organisation’s teaching of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah were spread worldwide. It is an organisation that helps humanity at large and not just Islamic communities. Their community outreach programmes include haleem and food distribution and providing of hampers to the poor, impoverished and needy 

The organisation which is head-quartered in Mauritius has a presence in South Africa, UK, Holland, Kenya, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka, and Suriname to name a few. Some of the memorable moments shared by the organisation in SA was the laying of the foundation of the Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Masjid in Lenasia South, under the banner of the Sunni Razvi Society International. Their work is not limited to the boundaries of Johannesburg and have established Khanqahs in Chatsworth, Zakkariya Park and Pietermaritzburg respectively. The 11th of November 1995 marked a significant milestone as the leader of the organisation Hazrat passed the baton to his eldest son Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtar as his only Khalifa and Sajjada Nasheen, a position that he is executing with much patience, love and dedication.

Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Masood Azhar Khushtarwas interviewed by the media in which he spoke about many issues ranging from religion to world peace. He expressed his gratitude to the Almighty who has blessed him with this undertaking for the betterment of humanity. He thanked those who were present at the fundraising event as well those who contributed in any way to make it a success. Faith brings comfort to a person’s heart which consequently helps us see life better and nurture it with all we have. He spoke about the importance of looking after and guiding the youth who are the future generation. Hazrat explained that as a spiritual leader, part of his duties include the assisting of young people to find the Almighty through education, love and respect. 

“There will always be criticism of certain things that people do, but a person should continue doing his/her work. We need to know that that we came from somewhere and we are going somewhere. Whilst on this Earth, let us make this time one that is easy and peaceful for us all. That is what the Almighty would have us do.” 

Hazrat Khushtar said that although his father had left a huge void, one thing he will always cherish is the simple things that his father taught him. He ended stating, “His conduct and his smile were the basic things that I admired most about my father. He never changed the way he treated us, whether at mosque or at home. He always treated people equally wherever he went. The are some aspects of his I cannot even explain. In today’s world materialism has become the centre of people’s lives. There is humanity and spirituality but one thing is for certain, spirituality is something which is beyond our comprehension.”

Contact Details:-

Muhammad Noor Akbar – 0727143282 /

Fuaad Ebrahim - 0845878637

A successful Miss Commonwealth Pageant 2020

Miss Commonwealth 2020 was hosted on Saturday, 26th October 2019 at Birchwood Hotel, Boksburg. Seven beautiful girls had to go through a strenuous few weeks when they were chosen as the final contestants who went through different items for the judges to decide the top four and choose the final two ambassadors, 1st princess and the Queen. The women are not just chosen to represent the Miss Commonwealth at events but to do a lot community work and especially raising awareness, “unite against gender base violence”. Ngawethu Ka-Siphiwo the organiser of the pageant brought out her heartful thanks to all her sponsors and also spoke of the days that she felt down as she was not aware how the event will take place as funds were low. Though Ka-Siphiwo never stopped there. She made sure the pageant will happen and the event turned out to be a success.

The dancers were:

Maza Academy of Dance, Nandile Ndamase, K1 Productions, Little girls of Hope and an amazing poem by a 15-year-old teenager Mihle Njoweni who spoke of women and children who should not remain silent and should not become victims of rape and any form of abuse.

The judges were Leah Manenzhe, Leonie van der Merwe and Febe Potgieter-Ggubule.

The four gorgeous women who were chosen for 2020 Kefiloe Mary Kolopang (Queen), Amogelang T Moagi (1st Princess), Funeka Soga and Bontle Motona – the ambassadors.

Winners of the 2020 Miss Commonwealth Pageant with dancers from Maza Academy of Dance 
Little Girls of Hope

AKF Youth Clubs Inaugration 2019

More than two-years has passed since the passing of anti-apartheid veteran and struggle stalwart Ahmed ‘Kathy’ Kathrada.

His legacy still continues at the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation (AKF) under the leadership of Neeshan Balton and a board which consists of prestige members. 

On 9th November 2019, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation held an inauguration ceremony for its youth clubs at the Park Primary School Hall in the presence of board Chairperson, Former minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom. 

Youth Club member badges and certificates were handed out to the youth before the reading aloud of a pledge to promote activism, become change ambassadors and leaders within their communities. 

Henekom speaking to the youth said: “The young people of today must lead exemplary lives, and, most importantly, must  be the force for change.”

He said that there were many people who looked to the youth as mentors, hence they must be good role models. He uged them to be more organised and to focus on life.

The clubs were part of a pilot programme which will see 100 youth clubs, around South Africa,  formed by 2029 as part of Ahmed Kathrada’s cenetenary project and as a tribute to the stalwart. 

The organisation currently has nine youth clubs in the south of Johannesburg, namely, Lenasia, Lenasia South, Orange Farm, Eldorado Park, Lehae, Kliptown, Protea Glen, FInetown and Lawley/Ennerdale. 

The foundation will also embark on it’s Annual Ahmed Kathrada Foundation Youth Leadership Camp on November 29 at one of South Africa’s most historic sites, Robben Island.

The foundation also announced its top three winners in it’s Youth Essay Writing Competition Against Racism. They were Jaydon Farao, 24, of Eerste River, Cape Town; Charissa Cassels, 23, of King William’s Town; and Mbalenhle Shandu, 17, of Felixton, KwaZulu-Natal. 

While youth work is one of the programmes ran by the foundation, the organisation’s objective is to deepen non-racialism in post-apartheid South Africa. The Foundation works towards this objective by executing programmes, projects and campaigns.

9 youth clubs take a pic with Mr Derek Hanekom of Ahmed Kathrada Foundation 

Derek Hanekom of Ahmed Kathrada Foundation 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

81-year-old dies in the hands of youngster

Accused: Omar Farouk Hoosein. Photo by: Priya Ranchod 

Omar Farouk Hoosein, accused of murdering  an 81-year-old woman at the Bulbulia Flats. Concord Place, Ext 1, 'top shops', Lenasia appeared for a second time at the Lenasia Magistrate's Court today (18/11/2019) where he appeared before Magistrate Maggi van der Merwe who explained that his case is remanded to be 27th November 2019 for a formal bail application and also explained that the state will be opposing bail. Hoosein is facing charges of murder and robbery with aggravated circumstances which is both schedule 6 according to the law.
The deceased was found strangled with a scarf and her hands and legs were tied with a rope. Her neighbours who went to enquire why she was not responding when called out for her on the morning of 8th November 2019 and during investigation at her home they discovered the gruesome scene and immediately called the police who attended to the scene and worked swiftly in making the arrest the same day. He was found in possession of the microwave that police saw on camera footage he was leaving the flat in the early hours of the morning
Accused: Omar Farouk Hoosein. Photo: Priya Ranchod 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A soul to love Nahima Ahmed

A night of glits and glamour at the Women of Wonder(WOW) awards 2019 brought to you by Panache Promotions and Events on Saturday, 2nd November 2019. A CEO who takes the time to make things happens. Farzana Mayet who is the CEO has hosted the WOW awards for five years in a row. 
I was caught off guard by a loving angel and soul Nahima Ahmed, my former editor at the Daily Sun Newspaper and a dear friend/sister who thanked me, and three other dear friends Zamo, Everson and Lethabo while saying her speech that her little son had drafted for her. Unexpected what she would say but she thanked us all. Nahima who is my former editor never stopped being my dear friend when I left the daily sun in December 2011 to join The Citizen Newspaper, and then left for India to study journalism in 2012. 
I am no perfectionist, from being mentored first by a beautiful soul named Reshana Roopnarain from Lenasia Rising Sun Newspaper who taught me about the 5W's and H and to type a story on the pc, which my habit was a pen and paper. To Nahima throwing me into bigger stories at the paper we all know as the funny newspaper - the Thokolse stories in the Daily Sun Newspaper. Doing many Horror Affairs (Home affairs) stories, to fake samgomas stealing people's money, to witchcraft stories, crime, and soft news, to joining The Citizen, leaving for India July 2012 to returning back home from India in 2013 May and missing my opportunities again at funny newspaper but we all remained friends. Started at the Lenasia Times with one  Senior Journalist/book writer Uncle Fakir Hassen who said when he met me when I just started as a journalist - "You will be a very good Journalist". And yes I am back as one. Like said by Melini Moses - Sabc Radio editor: "once a journo always a journo". I totally agree as my roots as a journalist has never been forgotten. Thank you to each journo and photographer who has touched my heart in the media industry.
Well done Nahima my dear friend /sister. 
Zamo, Priya, Lethabo, Nahima and Everson 
Myself and Nahima 

Police Unravel Drug Syndicate in Pretoria

On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, the South African Police Service (SAPS) successfully dismantled a drug syndicate operating in Pretoria that w...