Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bull part of the family

I was taken back when I got to Kotamdi, Gujarat.
I saw lots of bulls in the yard of people's homes. I first thought? What if a bull harms the community/people? 
But I learnt something new and beautiful about Gujarat. A bull(s) are part of the family, and only harm if you harm them.
I saw bulls roaming around the street freely like they roam around free in the wild.
One question attracted? If people in india can look after animals such as bulls and cows as their own, why can't we in other countries? 
Another beauty that struck my eyes with lots of gratitude was watching a bull pull a heavy machine in order for sugar cane juice to be made. 
People may call it abuse, but I call it the beauty of Gujarat and India itself as you see bulls and cows freely walking on the road. 
As many know both these animals are sacred to the Hindu religion. 

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